❞ كتاب color atlas of pathology ❝

❞ كتاب color atlas of pathology ❝

color atlas of pathology

The pocket atlas is an excellent reference work that presents pathologic findings in all clinically relevant fields, using high-quality photographs and concise, well structured explanatory texts. Images include color photos and micrographs. Electron microscopic images are included where necessary. Clear schematic drawings illustrate procedures such as the course of infections, etc. Text boxes on clinical and morphological aspects, on complications, and with easy-to-remember mnemonic summaries are set off in color

...The illustrations [are] chosen to catch students' attention, and to explicate details and intricacies--along the lines of the old adage that one picture is worth a hundred words. As a teacher I would invite my students to describe the color figures and try to see how far they can go. Once they become involved and realize 'how much they can see just by observing', I would ask them to read the text on the opposite side...connecting words with the visual data. The authors deserve congratulations for the well-chosen pictures, some of which cannot be described otherwise than stunning and memorable. ...There are no similar atlases covering the macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural aspects of general pathology all in one. ...It could get...on the list of recommended texts in the almighty " First Aid for the Boards"! ...A quality textbook of this kind deserves wider usage.--Modern Pathology
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color atlas of pathology

color atlas of pathology

The pocket atlas is an excellent reference work that presents pathologic findings in all clinically relevant fields, using high-quality photographs and concise, well structured explanatory texts. Images include color photos and micrographs. Electron microscopic images are included where necessary. Clear schematic drawings illustrate procedures such as the course of infections, etc. Text boxes on clinical and morphological aspects, on complications, and with easy-to-remember mnemonic summaries are set off in color

...The illustrations [are] chosen to catch students' attention, and to explicate details and intricacies--along the lines of the old adage that one picture is worth a hundred words. As a teacher I would invite my students to describe the color figures and try to see how far they can go. Once they become involved and realize 'how much they can see just by observing', I would ask them to read the text on the opposite side...connecting words with the visual data. The authors deserve congratulations for the well-chosen pictures, some of which cannot be described otherwise than stunning and memorable. ...There are no similar atlases covering the macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural aspects of general pathology all in one. ...It could get...on the list of recommended texts in the almighty " First Aid for the Boards"! ...A quality textbook of this kind deserves wider usage.--Modern Pathology


تعليقات القرّاء:

color atlas of pathology 

The pocket atlas is an excellent reference work that presents pathologic findings in all clinically relevant fields, using high-quality photographs and concise, well structured explanatory texts. Images include color photos and micrographs. Electron microscopic images are included where necessary. Clear schematic drawings illustrate procedures such as the course of infections, etc. Text boxes on clinical and morphological aspects, on complications, and with easy-to-remember mnemonic summaries are set off in color

...The illustrations [are] chosen to catch students' attention, and to explicate details and intricacies--along the lines of the old adage that one picture is worth a hundred words. As a teacher I would invite my students to describe the color figures and try to see how far they can go. Once they become involved and realize 'how much they can see just by observing', I would ask them to read the text on the opposite side...connecting words with the visual data. The authors deserve congratulations for the well-chosen pictures, some of which cannot be described otherwise than stunning and memorable. ...There are no similar atlases covering the macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural aspects of general pathology all in one. ...It could get...on the list of recommended texts in the almighty " First Aid for the Boards"! ...A quality textbook of this kind deserves wider usage.--Modern Pathology

ـ color atlas of pathology pdf
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حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 10.1 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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