❞ كتاب Is Western Civilization Universal ❝  ⏤ Maryam Jameelah

❞ كتاب Is Western Civilization Universal ❝ ⏤ Maryam Jameelah

One of the most blindly accepted assumptions shared by leaders of
thought throughout the world is that modern western civilization is
uniy.ersal and that the drastically changed conditions resulting from

recent scientific and technological advances have rendered tbe pre-
industrial heritage of all non-European peoples obsolete. Expressing

this view, David Reisman, an American-Jewish sociologist, declares:
The ethnocentric predicament is confounded by failure to
realize that modernization appears as wJstetnization by
historical coincidence, Modernity is primarily a state of
mind - expectation of, progress, propensity to growth,
readiness to adapt oneself to change. The nations of tho
North Atlantic area first developed the social processes -

secularization, urbanization, industrializ1tion, popular par-
ticipation by which this state of mind came to ~prevail. The

Western model is only historically western. Sociologically it
is global. The recent h!story of the Soviet ·Union and Japan
shows how effectively these processes modernize societies that
are geographically rimote from the West. The identical
process reappears in virtually all modernizing societies ·on all
continents of the world. regardless of variations in r,.ce, colour
or creed. That the theoretical model presented in this- book
has been validated by flow of events since its first publication
in 1958 is highly gratifying to me as social commentator. on our
world. It is -equally gratifyina to me as a secial scientistJbat

the empirical structure of the model has been validated by
other researchers working in every area of the globe.•

Maryam Jameelah - ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ WESTERNIZATION AND HUMAN WELFARE ❝ ❞ Islam and our social habits ❝ ❞ The Resurgence of Islam And our Liberation from the Colonial Yoke ❝ ❞ ISlAM AND WESTERN SOCIETY ❝ ❞ Western imperialism menaces Muslims ❝ ❞ Islam Versus Ahl Al Kitab Past and Present ❝ ❞ Why I embraced ISLAM ❝ ❞ How I Discovered The Holy Quran ❝ ❞ Is Western Civilization Universal ❝ ❱
من مقارنة الأديان فرق ومذاهب وأفكار وردود - مكتبة المكتبة التجريبية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
Is Western Civilization Universal

One of the most blindly accepted assumptions shared by leaders of
thought throughout the world is that modern western civilization is
uniy.ersal and that the drastically changed conditions resulting from

recent scientific and technological advances have rendered tbe pre-
industrial heritage of all non-European peoples obsolete. Expressing

this view, David Reisman, an American-Jewish sociologist, declares:
The ethnocentric predicament is confounded by failure to
realize that modernization appears as wJstetnization by
historical coincidence, Modernity is primarily a state of
mind - expectation of, progress, propensity to growth,
readiness to adapt oneself to change. The nations of tho
North Atlantic area first developed the social processes -

secularization, urbanization, industrializ1tion, popular par-
ticipation by which this state of mind came to ~prevail. The

Western model is only historically western. Sociologically it
is global. The recent h!story of the Soviet ·Union and Japan
shows how effectively these processes modernize societies that
are geographically rimote from the West. The identical
process reappears in virtually all modernizing societies ·on all
continents of the world. regardless of variations in r,.ce, colour
or creed. That the theoretical model presented in this- book
has been validated by flow of events since its first publication
in 1958 is highly gratifying to me as social commentator. on our
world. It is -equally gratifyina to me as a secial scientistJbat

the empirical structure of the model has been validated by
other researchers working in every area of the globe.•


تعليقات القرّاء:

One of the most blindly accepted assumptions shared by leaders of
thought throughout the world is that modern western civilization is
uniy.ersal and that the drastically changed conditions resulting from

recent scientific and technological advances have rendered tbe pre-
industrial heritage of all non-European peoples obsolete. Expressing

this view, David Reisman, an American-Jewish sociologist, declares:
The ethnocentric predicament is confounded by failure to
realize that modernization appears as wJstetnization by
historical coincidence, Modernity is primarily a state of
mind - expectation of, progress, propensity to growth,
readiness to adapt oneself to change. The nations of tho
North Atlantic area first developed the social processes -

secularization, urbanization, industrializ1tion, popular par-
ticipation by which this state of mind came to ~prevail. The

Western model is only historically western. Sociologically it
is global. The recent h!story of the Soviet ·Union and Japan
shows how effectively these processes modernize societies that
are geographically rimote from the West. The identical
process reappears in virtually all modernizing societies ·on all
continents of the world. regardless of variations in r,.ce, colour
or creed. That the theoretical model presented in this- book
has been validated by flow of events since its first publication
in 1958 is highly gratifying to me as social commentator. on our
world. It is -equally gratifyina to me as a secial scientistJbat

( 2 )

the empirical structure of the model has been validated by
other researchers working in every area of the globe.•

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Maryam Jameelah - MARYAM JAMEELAH

كتب Maryam Jameelah ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ WESTERNIZATION AND HUMAN WELFARE ❝ ❞ Islam and our social habits ❝ ❞ The Resurgence of Islam And our Liberation from the Colonial Yoke ❝ ❞ ISlAM AND WESTERN SOCIETY ❝ ❞ Western imperialism menaces Muslims ❝ ❞ Islam Versus Ahl Al Kitab Past and Present ❝ ❞ Why I embraced ISLAM ❝ ❞ How I Discovered The Holy Quran ❝ ❞ Is Western Civilization Universal ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب Maryam Jameelah