❞ كتاب The World of the Noble Angels ❝  ⏤ عمر سليمان عبد الله الأشقر

❞ كتاب The World of the Noble Angels ❝ ⏤ عمر سليمان عبد الله الأشقر

ll praise and thanks belong to Allah, Lord of the Universe. May Allah’s
blessings and peace be upon the last of the prophets and messengers
Muhammad, his family, Companions, and all those who follow his
footsteps till the end of time.
This is the second book of the Islamic Creed (
series by Dr.
‘Umar Sulaymaan al-Ashqar. It deals with the world of the Angels, an
integral part of the Islamic faith. Persons denying the existence of
Angels go outside the pale of Islam.
As usual, Dr. Al-Ashqar has discussed this issue exhaustively. His
arguments are based on the texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. He has
covered all aspects of the topic: definition, origin and characteristics,
kinds and their relationship with mankind and other creation. Moreover,
he draws a comparison between mankind and the angels in their
respective roles as determined by Allah. A number of editions of the
Arabic original have been sold out.
We are pleased to present this excellent English translation of a very
popular book. May Allah bless with acceptance the efforts of the author,
the translator and all those associated with the publication of this work.

n the name of Allah
the Most Gracious
the Most Merciful
Belief in the Unseen
is one of the basic tenets of Islam, and
forms an important part of Islamic teachings. One of the unseen worlds
of which Islam tells us is the world of the angels, who are described in
great detail in the Qur’an and Sunnah and who are involved with man
throughout his life.
From the moment an individual is conceived in his mother’s womb, until
his death and beyond, angels play a role in human life. Angels
accompany the human being, protecting him and keeping a record of all
his deeds. Angels bring forth the soul of the deceased person/s and they
bring comfort or inflict torment in the grave. An angel will sound the
Trumpet on the Last Day, and angels will be present on the Day of
Judgement until they accompany people to their ultimate destination in
Paradise or Hell.
Almost all human cultures, ancient and modem, have some kind of
belief about angels. The pre-Islamic Arabs believed them to be
daughters of the Almighty. Some philosophers thought that angels were
the stars in the sky. In modem times there has been a resurgence of
interest in angels, and they feature prominently in movies and other
forms of popular western culture. Stories featuring angels circulate on
the internet and various kinds of gifts, bearing supposed images of
angels, gift shops in the west.
But these myths have no role to play in the belief of the Muslim. Our
beliefs are based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, which tell
us all we need to know about the reality of the unseen, including the
world of the angels. Belief in the angels brings comfort to man’s soul;
this belief makes man feel that he is important in the sight of Allah, and
that he matters a lot to Him; this belief also encourages a person to strive
in the path of goodness. Hence it is of the utmost importance for the
Translator s Foreword
Muslim to understand what Islam says about the angels, and what the
implications of this knowledge are for his daily life. In this book, Dr.
‘Umar al-Ashqar draws on the sources of Islam to give us a
comprehensive picture of who the angels are, their origins, their role in
the universe and their interaction with mankind in this world and the
May Allah reward the author for his presentation of the Islamic belief in
the angels. May He guide us on the Straight Path which leads to
Paradise, and may He grant us admittance to that eternal abode where the
angels will welcome the believers with greetings of
May Allah
bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and Companions, and
grant them peac

From the moment an individual is conceived in his mother’s womb, until his death and beyond, angels play a part in human life. Angels bring forth the soul of the dying and they bring comfort or inflict torment in the grave. An angel will sound the Trumpet on the Last Day, and angels will be present on the Day of Judgment until they accompany people to their ultimate destination in Paradise or Hell.
عمر سليمان عبد الله الأشقر - الشيخ الدكتور عمر بن سليمان بن عبد الله الأشقر أحد علماء الدين السنة شغل سابقا منصب أستاذ في كلية الشريعة في الجامعة الأردنية في عمان الأردن.
من كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
The World of the Noble Angels

ll praise and thanks belong to Allah, Lord of the Universe. May Allah’s
blessings and peace be upon the last of the prophets and messengers
Muhammad, his family, Companions, and all those who follow his
footsteps till the end of time.
This is the second book of the Islamic Creed (
series by Dr.
‘Umar Sulaymaan al-Ashqar. It deals with the world of the Angels, an
integral part of the Islamic faith. Persons denying the existence of
Angels go outside the pale of Islam.
As usual, Dr. Al-Ashqar has discussed this issue exhaustively. His
arguments are based on the texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. He has
covered all aspects of the topic: definition, origin and characteristics,
kinds and their relationship with mankind and other creation. Moreover,
he draws a comparison between mankind and the angels in their
respective roles as determined by Allah. A number of editions of the
Arabic original have been sold out.
We are pleased to present this excellent English translation of a very
popular book. May Allah bless with acceptance the efforts of the author,
the translator and all those associated with the publication of this work.

n the name of Allah
the Most Gracious
the Most Merciful
Belief in the Unseen
is one of the basic tenets of Islam, and
forms an important part of Islamic teachings. One of the unseen worlds
of which Islam tells us is the world of the angels, who are described in
great detail in the Qur’an and Sunnah and who are involved with man
throughout his life.
From the moment an individual is conceived in his mother’s womb, until
his death and beyond, angels play a role in human life. Angels
accompany the human being, protecting him and keeping a record of all
his deeds. Angels bring forth the soul of the deceased person/s and they
bring comfort or inflict torment in the grave. An angel will sound the
Trumpet on the Last Day, and angels will be present on the Day of
Judgement until they accompany people to their ultimate destination in
Paradise or Hell.
Almost all human cultures, ancient and modem, have some kind of
belief about angels. The pre-Islamic Arabs believed them to be
daughters of the Almighty. Some philosophers thought that angels were
the stars in the sky. In modem times there has been a resurgence of
interest in angels, and they feature prominently in movies and other
forms of popular western culture. Stories featuring angels circulate on
the internet and various kinds of gifts, bearing supposed images of
angels, gift shops in the west.
But these myths have no role to play in the belief of the Muslim. Our
beliefs are based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, which tell
us all we need to know about the reality of the unseen, including the
world of the angels. Belief in the angels brings comfort to man’s soul;
this belief makes man feel that he is important in the sight of Allah, and
that he matters a lot to Him; this belief also encourages a person to strive
in the path of goodness. Hence it is of the utmost importance for the
Translator s Foreword
Muslim to understand what Islam says about the angels, and what the
implications of this knowledge are for his daily life. In this book, Dr.
‘Umar al-Ashqar draws on the sources of Islam to give us a
comprehensive picture of who the angels are, their origins, their role in
the universe and their interaction with mankind in this world and the
May Allah reward the author for his presentation of the Islamic belief in
the angels. May He guide us on the Straight Path which leads to
Paradise, and may He grant us admittance to that eternal abode where the
angels will welcome the believers with greetings of
May Allah
bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and Companions, and
grant them peac

From the moment an individual is conceived in his mother’s womb, until his death and beyond, angels play a part in human life. Angels bring forth the soul of the dying and they bring comfort or inflict torment in the grave. An angel will sound the Trumpet on the Last Day, and angels will be present on the Day of Judgment until they accompany people to their ultimate destination in Paradise or Hell. .

تعليقات القرّاء:

المترجم توطئة
المؤلف توطئة
تعريف THE ANGELS والمعتقد في THEM
الفصل الأول
خصائصها الفيزيائية، والصفات
1 - الخصائص الفيزيائية
(1) ما تم إنشاؤها من ومتى
رؤية الملائكة
(2) حجمهم المادي الكبير
19 الحجم
الكبير لجبريل
الحجم الكبير لحملة العرش
(3) أهم خصائصهم الجسدية
2 - المزايا
الملائكة شرفاء ومطيعون
تواضع الملائكة
3 - القدرات
(1) قدرتهم على اتخاذ أشكال مختلفة
6 جدول المحتويات
(2) سرعتهم الفائقة
(3) معرفتهم
( 4) ومنضبطة وهي ونظمت في كل شؤونهم 42
(5) عصمة الملائكة
الفصل الثاني
عبادة الملائكة
أمثلة على عبادتهم
  (تمجيد الله)
) الدائمة في صفوف
(3) الحج
(4) خوفهم من الله
الفصل الثالث
(1) دورهم في خلق الإنسان
(2) الملائكة تحرس بني آدم
(3) ومبعوثين من الله على رسله
صاحب الرائدة رسول في الصلاة
(4) التحريك
66- حُسن النية
عالم الملائكة النبلاء
(5) تسجيل الأعمال الصالحة والسيئة
لأبناء آدم
) اختبار أبناء آدم
(7) تأخذ الملائكة الروح من الجسد عندما
يأتي الوقت المحدد للموت
) علاقة الملائكة بالإنسان في القبر
في يوم القيامة وفي الآخرة
3 - الملائكة والمؤمنون.
(1) دور الملائكة مع المؤمنين.
(2) واجبات الملائكة. المؤمنين نحو الملائكة 99
4 - الملائكة
(1) إنزال العقوبة على
(2) هلاكهم لأهل النبي نهب 104
لعنتهم للكجفار
(4) مطالبة
 برؤية الملائكة
الفصل الرابع
THE ANGELS AND المخلوقات الأخرى
1 - THE حملة العرش
3 - الملائكة هي الذي عين
OVER RAIN، والغطاء النباتي وتوفير
الفصل الخامس
8 جدول المحتويات
هذا نزاع قديم
آراء مختلفة حول هذا الموضوع
نقطة الخلاف
دليل أولئك الذين يقولون إن
البشر الصالحين متفوقون على الملائكة
وجهة النظر الصحيحة
دليل الرموز
مخطط الترجمة


ll praise and thanks belong to Allah, Lord of the Universe. May Allah’s
blessings  and  peace  be  upon  the  last of the prophets  and  messengers
Muhammad,  his  family,  Companions,  and  all  those  who  follow  his
footsteps  till  the  end  of time.
This  is the second book of the Islamic Creed (
 series  by Dr.
‘Umar Sulaymaan al-Ashqar.  It deals with the world of the Angels, an
integral  part  of  the  Islamic  faith.  Persons  denying  the  existence  of
Angels  go  outside  the  pale  of Islam.
As  usual,  Dr.  Al-Ashqar  has  discussed  this  issue  exhaustively.  His
arguments are based on the texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. He has
covered  all  aspects  of the  topic:  definition,  origin  and  characteristics,
kinds and their relationship with mankind and other creation. Moreover,
he  draws  a  comparison  between  mankind  and  the  angels  in  their
respective  roles  as  determined  by  Allah.  A  number of editions  of the
Arabic  original  have  been  sold  out.
We  are  pleased  to  present this  excellent English  translation  of a  very
popular book. May Allah bless with acceptance the efforts of the author,
the translator and all those associated with the publication of this work.


n  the name of Allah
the Most  Gracious
the Most Merciful
Belief in the Unseen
 is one of the basic tenets of Islam, and
forms an important part of Islamic teachings. One of the unseen worlds
of which Islam tells us is the world of the angels, who are described in
great detail in the Qur’an and  Sunnah and who are involved with man
throughout  his  life.
From the moment an individual is conceived in his mother’s womb, until
his  death  and  beyond,  angels  play  a  role  in  human  life.  Angels
accompany the human being, protecting him and keeping a record of all
his deeds. Angels bring forth the soul of the deceased person/s and they
bring comfort or inflict torment in the grave. An angel will  sound the
Trumpet  on  the  Last  Day,  and  angels  will  be  present  on  the  Day  of
Judgement until they accompany people to their ultimate destination in
Paradise  or Hell.
Almost  all  human  cultures,  ancient  and  modem,  have  some  kind  of
belief  about  angels.  The  pre-Islamic  Arabs  believed  them  to  be
daughters of the Almighty. Some philosophers thought that angels were
the  stars  in  the  sky.  In  modem  times  there  has  been  a  resurgence  of
interest  in  angels,  and  they  feature  prominently  in  movies  and  other
forms of popular western culture.  Stories featuring angels circulate on
the  internet  and  various  kinds  of gifts,  bearing  supposed  images  of
angels,  gift  shops  in  the  west.
But these myths have no role to play in the belief of the Muslim.  Our
beliefs are based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, which tell
us all we  need  to know about the  reality of the unseen,  including  the
world of the angels.  Belief in the angels brings comfort to man’s soul;
this belief makes man feel that he is important in the sight of Allah, and
that he matters a lot to Him; this belief also encourages a person to strive
in the path  of goodness.  Hence  it is  of the  utmost importance  for the
Translator s Foreword
Muslim to understand what Islam says about the angels, and what the
implications of this knowledge are for his daily  life.  In this book,  Dr.
‘Umar  al-Ashqar  draws  on  the  sources  of  Islam  to  give  us  a
comprehensive picture of who the angels are, their origins, their role in
the universe  and  their interaction with mankind  in  this  world  and the
May Allah reward the author for his presentation of the Islamic belief in
the  angels.  May  He  guide  us  on  the  Straight  Path  which  leads  to
Paradise, and may He grant us admittance to that eternal abode where the
angels will welcome the believers with greetings of
 May Allah
الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه، و
منحهم PEAC




 من اللحظة التي يولد فيها الإنسان في بطن أمه ، حتى وفاته وما بعدها ، تلعب الملائكة دورًا في حياة الإنسان. تُخرج الملائكة روح الموتى وتجلب الراحة أو تُلحق العذاب في القبر. سيصدر الملاك صوت البوق في اليوم الأخير ، وستكون الملائكة حاضرة يوم القيامة حتى يرافقوا الناس إلى وجهتهم النهائية في الجنة أو الجحيم.

حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 28.2 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
عداد القراءة: عدد قراءة The World of the Noble Angels

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عمر سليمان عبد الله الأشقر - Omar Suleiman Abdullah Al Ashqar

كتب عمر سليمان عبد الله الأشقر الشيخ الدكتور عمر بن سليمان بن عبد الله الأشقر أحد علماء الدين السنة شغل سابقا منصب أستاذ في كلية الشريعة في الجامعة الأردنية في عمان الأردن.. المزيد..

كتب عمر سليمان عبد الله الأشقر